How to Use Little Trees Air Freshener

Little Trees Air Freshener

Do you love your car? Do you want to make it smell good and feel comfortable? If you answered yes, then you may want to consider using a car freshener. A car freshener can improve the driving experience by masking or eliminating unpleasant odors, creating a pleasant atmosphere, and enhancing your mood and energy. But not all car fresheners are created equal. Some are too strong or too weak, some are too expensive or too cheap, and some are too complicated or too simple. That’s why many car lovers choose Little Trees as their preferred car freshener. Little Trees are the original car air fresheners that come in various shapes, sizes, and fragrances. They are popular and effective because they are high quality, long lasting, and easy to use.

But how do you use Little Trees properly and safely to get the best results? In this blog, we will show you everything you need to know about Little Trees, including the types of Little Trees, the steps to use them, the tips to make them last longer, and the warnings to avoid potential problems. By the end of this blog, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of Little Trees and make your car smell like a dream.

The types of Little Trees

Little Trees are not just the iconic hanging trees that you see in many cars. They are actually a family of products that offer different options and features to suit your preferences and needs. According to the official website1, there are five types of Little Trees:

Trees: These are the original and classic Little Trees that come in a variety of fragrances, such as Black Ice, New Car Scent, Vanillaroma, and more. They are made from a special absorbent material that releases the fragrance slowly and evenly. They can last up to 7 weeks, depending on the fragrance and the usage.

Xtra Strength: These are the enhanced version of the Trees that deliver twice the power and fragrance. They are ideal for larger vehicles or stronger odors. They come in four fragrances, such as Black Ice, Cherry, Coconut, and Leather. They can last up to 60 days, depending on the fragrance and the usage.

Vent Wrap: These are the discreet and sleek Little Trees that fit on the vent blade, allowing the air flow to distribute the fragrance. They are designed to blend in with the vent and not block the view. They come in six fragrances, such as Black Ice, Caribbean Colada, New Car Scent, and more. They can last up to 20 days per wrap, and each pack contains four wraps.

Fiber Can: These are the colorful and compact Little Trees that contain fiber pellets infused with the fragrance. They are designed to fit in the cup holder or under the seat, and they have an adjustable lid to control the intensity of the fragrance. They come in four fragrances, such as Black Ice, Cherry Blast, New Car Scent, and Vanillaroma. They can last up to 60 days, depending on the fragrance and the usage.

Spray: These are the convenient and portable Little Trees that come in a spray bottle. They are ideal for on-the-go freshness, and they can be used on any surface or fabric. They come in five fragrances, such as Black Ice, Caribbean Colada, New Car Scent, and more. They can last up to 30 days, depending on the fragrance and the usage.

FIBER-CAN Little Trees

As you can see, there is a Little Tree for everyone and every occasion. You can choose the type, the size, and the fragrance that suits your taste and needs. You can also mix and match different types and fragrances to create your own custom scent. The possibilities are endless.

The steps to use Little Trees

Using Little Trees is very easy and simple. You just need to follow some general steps and some specific instructions for each type of Little Trees. Here are the steps to use Little Trees:

  • Open the package: The first step is to open the package that contains the Little Tree. You can use scissors or your fingers to cut or tear the package. Be careful not to damage the product or hurt yourself.
  • Expose the product: The second step is to expose the product to the air. Depending on the type of Little Tree, you may need to expose more or less of the product. For example, for the Trees, you need to expose about 1/4 inch of the product at a time, and pull down the package every week to expose more. For the Xtra Strength, you need to expose the entire product at once. For the Vent Wrap, you need to remove the foil seal and the plastic wrap. For the Fiber Can, you need to remove the seal and open the lid. For the Spray, you need to remove the cap and press the nozzle.
  • Place the product: The third step is to place the product in the desired location. Depending on the type of Little Tree, you may need to attach or adjust the product. For example, for the Trees, you need to hang the product from the rearview mirror or any other suitable place. For the Xtra Strength, you need to hang the product from the rearview mirror or any other suitable place. For the Vent Wrap, you need to slide the product onto the vent blade and adjust the position. For the Fiber Can, you need to place the product in the cup holder or under the seat and adjust the lid. For the Spray, you need to spray the product on any surface or fabric and let it dry.

These are the basic steps to use Little Trees. However, you may also need to follow some additional instructions or precautions that are provided on the package or the website. For example, you may need to avoid contact with skin, eyes, or plastic surfaces, or you may need to keep the product away from heat, flame, or direct sunlight. You may also need to read the warning labels and the MSDS for more information.

The tips to make Little Trees last longer

Little Trees can last for different periods of time, depending on the type, the fragrance, and the usage. However, there are some tips that can help you extend the life of Little Trees and make them last longer. Here are some tips to make Little Trees last longer:

  • Expose them gradually: One of the best ways to make Little Trees last longer is to expose them gradually and not all at once. This way, you can control the intensity of the fragrance and prevent it from fading too quickly. For example, for the Trees, you can expose about 1/4 inch of the product at a time, and pull down the package every week to expose more. This can make the Trees last up to 7 weeks
  • Store them in a cool and dry place: Another way to make Little Trees last longer is to store them in a cool and dry place, away from heat, flame, or direct sunlight. These factors can speed up the evaporation of the fragrance and reduce the effectiveness of the product. For example, for the Vent Wrap, you can store the unused wraps in the original package in a cool and dry place until you need them2.
  • Rotate them regularly: A final way to make Little Trees last longer is to rotate them regularly, especially if you use more than one type or fragrance in your car. This way, you can prevent your nose from getting used to the same scent and losing its sensitivity. You can also enjoy the variety and freshness of different scents. For example, for the Fiber Can, you can rotate the lid every few days to change the intensity of the fragrance2.

The warnings to avoid potential problems

Little Trees are safe and harmless when used correctly, but they can also cause some issues when used improperly or excessively. Therefore, you should follow some warnings to avoid potential problems, such as:


Little Trees are a great way to keep your car smelling good and feeling comfortable. They come in various types, sizes, and fragrances, and they are easy to use and affordable. However, to get the best results, you need to know how to use them properly and safely. You need to choose the right type and fragrance for your car, follow the steps to use them, follow the tips to make them last longer, and follow the warnings to avoid potential problems. By doing so, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of Little Trees and make your car smell like a dream. Share this article with your friends and family, and let us know which Little Tree is your favorite. Happy driving!