How to Clean Headlights with WD40

WD-40 Headlight Cleaning

Have you ever noticed that your headlights are not as bright as they used to be? Do they look cloudy, yellow, or dull? If so, you might be wondering how to restore them to their original condition. Well, you might be surprised to learn that you can use a common household product to do just that: wd40.

WD40 is a versatile lubricant that can be used for various purposes, such as loosening rusted bolts, removing stickers, and preventing squeaks. But did you know that it can also be used to clean headlights? That’s right, wd40 can help you remove the dirt, grime, and oxidation that make your headlights look dim and unappealing. In this article, we will show you how to clean headlights with wd40 in five easy steps. By following these steps, you will be able to improve the visibility, safety, and appearance of your car.

WD-40 Headlight Cleaning

Step 1: Gather the necessary materials

Before you start the cleaning process, you will need to gather the following items:

  • WD40: This is the main ingredient that will do the magic. You can find wd40 in most hardware stores, supermarkets, or online. You will need a spray can or a bottle with a nozzle for easy application.
  • Microfiber cloth: This is a soft and absorbent cloth that will help you wipe off the wd40 and the dirt from the headlights. You can use any clean cloth, but microfiber is preferred because it does not leave lint or scratches on the surface.
  • Masking tape: This is a sticky tape that will help you protect the surrounding areas of the headlights from wd40. You will need to cover the paint, glass, and rubber parts of the car that are close to the headlights to avoid any damage or stains.
  • Water: This is a simple but essential item that will help you rinse the headlights and remove any residue. You will need a bucket of water or a hose for this step.

Step 2: Prepare the headlights

Once you have all the materials ready, you can proceed to prepare the headlights for the cleaning. Here is what you need to do:

  • Park the car in a shaded area and turn off the engine. You want to avoid direct sunlight and heat, as they can affect the effectiveness of wd40 and cause it to evaporate quickly. You also want to make sure that the engine is off and the headlights are cool to the touch, as wd40 can be flammable and cause burns if it comes in contact with hot surfaces.
  • Use masking tape to cover the surrounding areas of the headlights. You want to create a border around the headlights with the tape, leaving only the plastic lens exposed. This will prevent wd40 from getting on the paint, glass, or rubber parts of the car, which can cause damage or stains. Make sure that the tape is firmly pressed and does not have any gaps or wrinkles.
  • Test a small area of the headlight with wd40 before applying it to the whole surface. You want to make sure that wd40 does not react negatively with the plastic or cause any discoloration or damage. To do this, spray a small amount of wd40 on a corner of the headlight and wait for a few minutes. Then, wipe it off with a cloth and check the results. If the headlight looks clear and shiny, you can proceed to the next step. If the headlight looks worse or has any signs of damage, you should stop and look for another method to clean your headlights.

Step 3: Apply wd40 to the headlights

Now that you have prepared the headlights, you can start applying wd40 to them. Here is how to do it:

  • Spray wd40 generously on the headlights and let it sit for a few minutes. You want to cover the entire surface of the headlights with a thick layer of wd40, as this will help dissolve the dirt, grime, and oxidation that make your headlights look cloudy. Let the wd40 work for about 10 minutes, or longer if your headlights are very dirty or oxidized.
  • Avoid getting wd40 on the paint, glass, or rubber parts of the car. As mentioned before, wd40 can cause damage or stains to these parts, so you want to be careful not to spray or spill it on them. If you accidentally get wd40 on these parts, you should wipe it off immediately with a cloth and water.

Step 4: Wipe off the wd40 and rinse the headlights

After letting the wd40 sit on the headlights, you can proceed to wipe it off and rinse the headlights. Here is what you need to do:

  • Use a microfiber cloth to gently wipe off the wd40 and the loosened dirt from the headlights. You want to use a circular motion and apply light pressure, as this will help remove the dirt and polish the headlights. You might need to use more than one cloth, depending on how dirty your headlights are. You should see the headlights becoming clearer and shinier as you wipe them.
  • Use water to rinse the headlights and remove any residue. You want to use a bucket of water or a hose to spray water on the headlights and wash away any remaining wd40 or dirt. You should see the water running clear and not cloudy, as this indicates that the headlights are clean and free of residue.

Step 5: Remove the masking tape and admire the results

You are almost done with the cleaning process. The last step is to remove the masking tape and admire the results. Here is how to do it:

  • Carefully peel off the masking tape and dispose of it properly. You want to remove the tape slowly and gently, as this will prevent any damage or peeling of the paint, glass, or rubber parts of the car. You should also avoid touching the headlights with the tape, as this can transfer some wd40 or dirt back to them.
  • Dry the headlights with a clean cloth and check for any spots or streaks. You want to use a dry and soft cloth to wipe the headlights and make sure that they are completely dry and free of moisture. You should also check for any spots or streaks that might have been left by the wd40 or the water, and polish them with the cloth until they are gone.
  • Congratulate yourself on completing the task and enjoy your clean headlights. You have successfully cleaned your headlights with wd40 and restored them to their original condition. You should notice a significant improvement in the visibility, safety, and appearance of your car. You should also feel proud of yourself for accomplishing this task with a simple and inexpensive product.


In this article, we have shown you how to clean headlights with wd40 in five easy steps. By following these steps, you can use wd40 to remove the dirt, grime, and oxidation that make your headlights look dim and unappealing. You can also enjoy the benefits of having clean headlights, such as improved visibility, safety, and appearance.

Here are some tips on how to maintain the cleanliness and clarity of your headlights:

  • Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials to clean your headlights, as they can damage or scratch the plastic lens.
  • Wash your car regularly and keep your headlights clean from dust, bugs, and road salt.
  • Apply a protective coating or a UV sealant to your headlights, as this will help prevent oxidation and fading